It is with great satisfaction that we inform the Heredian community that our institution has moved up in the ranking of the best universities in Peru, according to Webometrics.
The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities placed us in fourth place among the country’s best higher education institutions, an improvement over last year when we ranked fifth.
In this way, Cayetano Heredia has once again demonstrated its leadership and significant contribution to the educational and scientific development of the nation. This rise in the ranking is a source of pride for the university and all those who have been part of its trajectory and contributed to its prestige.
We congratulate each of its members and encourage them to continue working with dedication and passion in the constant pursuit of academic excellence. May this achievement serve as an inspiration to reach even more ambitious goals in the future.

Webometrics Classification
It is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain’s most prominent public research organization.
The ranking editors have extensive research experience and expertise in various quantitative scientific disciplines. For the elaboration of the survey, they consider the following indicators: Presence of the university (shared public knowledge), visibility (impact of web content), transparency or openness (most cited researchers), and excellence (most cited articles).