Learn about the Admission Process
Choose your path to create a better future
Why choose CAYETANO?
We have the best pool of students, researchers and teachers, which has helped in placing us as one of Peru’s top universities.
If you value continuous learning, discovering, and being part of a community of excellence and prestige, then you should choose the process that best matches your profile and apply to Cayetano. Count on our commitment to train you as a first-rate professional.

Don’t miss it!
Learn about enrollment and evaluation dates for 2023-II and 2024-I
How to register?

Here are the steps to complete the first stage:
- Access the Admissions Portal.
- Register and create your account.
- The degree program advisor will contact you to help you with the pre-registration and enrollment.

Assemble your file
Gather your documents in the following way:
- Update your data within the admission portal.
- Upload the documents according to the chosen admission modality and degree program (the advisor will provide you with this information.
- Wait for the approval e-mail from the Admissions and Academic Registration Office to proceed with the payment.
If you are pre-selected in the PRONABEC national exam, attach the document that accredits it.

Make the payment
You are one step away from completing the admission process!
- After verifying the documentation, the University Office of Admission and Academic Registration will send you via e-mail the payment link.
- Make the registration payment for Medicine S/ 500, for Biomedical Engineering S/800, and the other degree programs, S/ 250 soles
Admission fees are waived for Beca 18 Call 2022 pre-selected students.

Registration validation
If you made it to this final stage, congratulations!
- The University will review the corresponding payment and will confirm by e-mail that the registration has been successfully completed.
- The confirmation e-mail will include instructions on how to take your evaluation.
Applicant Guide
The Admissions, Enrollment, and Academic Registration Office (OAMRA) of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia presents the new applicant guide so that you can find the necessary information and apply to our admission modalities, as well as have a notion of the agenda that is included in our level evaluation.
In the same way, we invite you to be part of our Heredian family since our main objective is to form integral professionals.