Early Education
Study Early Childhood Education or Primary Education at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
About the Education Degree Course
The training offered by the university to future teachers allows them to become service professionals who significantly contribute to the growth of their communities. It consolidates values that develop the personality and the ability to make decisions in accordance with Peru’s actual needs. Teachers will be prepared to address challenges in accordance with the educational, social, and political situations that may be present, which will allow them to contribute to the advancement of the country.
Faculty: Education
Duration: 10 semesters (5 years)
Sites: La Molina campus and Central campus
Degree earned: Bachelor’s degree

Why choose us?
Generic Competencies of Graduate
Graduates integrate different types of thinking (scientific, logical, critical, systemic, and innovative) for the solution of complex problems through the mastery of cognitive skills such as logical reasoning in challenging situations. They are prepared to address present and future challenges in the exercise of their profession and to tackle the transformation of the environment as committed citizens
Graduates use verbal and non-verbal language to interact effectively in various inclusive, multicultural, and multilingual contexts. Also, they make conscious use of information and communication technologies. They join collaborative work teams to achieve common goals in multicultural, academic, and professional contexts. Moreover, they assume leadership roles with responsibility and respect for other people’s views.
Graduates act ethically and responsibly in different academic, professional practice, and research contexts. They carry out their work honestly, rigorously, and coherently in terms of their values: tolerance, openness, responsibility, environmental awareness, respect, democratic participation, and a sense of belonging.
Graduates creatively propose innovative solutions to solve a situation or problem; they demonstrate initiative and take action in improving their environments within the framework of values consistent with sustainable development: tolerance, openness, responsibility, environmental awareness, respect, democratic participation, and a sense of belonging.
Program Curriculum
*Curriculum subject to modifications as part of the curriculum update process.
Work Opportunities
Ministries and entities responsible for childcare.
Private and public educational institutions.
Mining centers, regional governments, education directorates, and municipalities
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) serve the local, national, and international community.
Publishing houses specialized in educational topics.
Own educational institution.
International Agreements

United >States:
Concordia University (Wisconsin)

University of Cheongju

Universidad Católica de Valencia, San Vicente Mártir, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Universidad Jaume I, Universidad Pablo Olavide, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Universidad San Jorge y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Universidad Técnica de Múnich.

Universidad Juan Agustin Maza, Universidad de Moron, Universidad Nacional del Centro de La Provincia de Buenos Aires y Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba y Centro Universitario Unifafibe.

Universidad de Antioquía y Universidad del Valle.
Our testimonials
Gaby Perales
“My Education studies have allowed me to be innovative in the classroom, but also to work in different fields: as an editor, director, trainer of ICT tools and to have my own teacher training company. Additional achievements have been winning the Cayetano Excellence Award for my dedication and vocation as a teacher in a rural school, and being awarded a global scholarship on Digital Inclusion, sponsored by One Young World, 42 For Madrid, and Movistar.”

Thalia Chamorro
“My main achievement has been starting work in the public sector as director of an educational institution in a rural area of the Andes in La Libertad. Another achievement has been my participation in various educational training activities within the Local Education Management Unit (UGEL) my educational institution is part of, setting up a technical team to conduct training and create peer learning groups for teachers in the province where I work. Finally, yet another achievement is to continue with my postgraduate training by taking diploma courses, other courses, participating in workshops and pursuing a master’s degree at a university in Spain.”