About the Nursing Degree Course

This degree course has a historical legacy in training competent nursing professionals with an emphasis on ethics and a high commitment to society.

We have highly qualified professors with solid bases in pedagogy, science of care, and basic and professional sciences covering theoretical and practical scenarios in public and private entities, with which the faculty has agreements.

We are accredited by the International Institute for Quality Assurance of the Interuniversity Development Center (IAC-CINDA), which guarantees professionals are trained in compliance with the highest quality standards

Faculty: Nursing

Duration: 10 semesters (5 years)

Site: Central campus

Degree Earned: Bachelor’s degree in Nursing


Why choose us?

More than 100 years of experience

We have extensive experience in training nurses thanks to a broad preparation that began with the Arzobispo Loayza National School of Nursing, which was set up in 1915.

Practice sessions at the Simulation Center each year

  • Students deal with cardiovascular emergency conditions
  • Comprehensive operating room care
  • High-fidelity adult and neonatal intensive care
  • Treatment delivery

Experiential Learning

Internships in health centers, schools, and municipalities, with social actors in various communities, hospitals, and clinics as of the second year of studies.

Paid Internships

Final-year students, according to order of merit, gain access to paid positions in private clinics.


Access to student exchange programs with Brazil, Colombia, Spain, the United States, and Mexico.

National and International Accreditation

  • National System of Evaluation, Accreditation, and Certification of the Quality of Education (SINEACE – Sistema Nacional de Evaluación, Acreditación y Certificación de la Calidad Educativa)
  • International Institute for Quality Assurance (IAC-CINDA Instituto Internacional para el Aseguramiento de la Calidad)

Generic Competencies of Graduate

Graduates integrate different types of thinking (scientific, logical, critical, systemic, and innovative) for the solution of complex problems through the mastery of cognitive skills such as logical reasoning in challenging situations. They are prepared to address present and future challenges in the exercise of their profession and to tackle the transformation of the environment as committed citizens 

Program Curriculum


  • Biological and Environmental Bases
  • Philosophy
  • Ethics
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Strategies for Autonomous Learning
  • Professional Identity in Nursing
  • Complementary Activity I


  • Communication and Writing II
  • Peruvian Reality, Citizenship and Globalization
  • Evolutionary Psychology
  • Elements of Chemistry
  • Nursing Care Methodology
  • Health Promotion and Education
  • Complementary Activity II


  • Biochemistry
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Basic Nursing Care
  • Nursing Care in Community Health & Wellness

*Curriculum subject to modifications as part of the curriculum update process.

Work Opportunities

Graduates can address constant challenges in public and private hospitals and other health centers.

They can set up their own business, e.g., a nursing office.

They contribute to local health in regional governments and municipalities.

Graduates may assume healthcare in schools and universities.

They may venture into the private sector (mining, clinics, and NGOs, among others).

They may acquire new knowledge in research projects for the improvement of patient care.

International Agreements

North America


  • University of Washington




  • Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

Latin America


  • Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud

Our testimonials

Alisson Maryori Limaylla Villanueva


I chose to become a nurse because, when I was very young, I had a personal experience with my older sister. From there I considered science as an opportunity to be able to look at human beings as holistic beings whom I can provide better opportunities in terms of life quality.

Cayetano is characterized for empowering students, for preparing them to be researchers, managers, leaders and also to take action to solve problems that may arise in the daily practice of the profession.

Likewise, as a nurse graduated from Cayetano I am able to manage, research, lead, and make decisions based on critical thinking, as well as implement solutions to social health problems without neglecting the human being from a holistic viewpoint.


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