About the Chemistry Degree Course
The degree course infuses students with a passion for chemistry, which allows them to deeply understand its applications in fields as diverse as the environment, textiles, mining, and the petrochemical, food, or pharmaceutical industry, among others.
Our methodology puts an emphasis on solid scientific knowledge, experimental work, research projects, and social responsibility, as well as on developing students integrally in basic and applied research, productive processes, management, and quality, the creation of knowledge, and the solution of problems in complex and ever-changing contexts.
What are you waiting for to develop that potential? We are expecting you.
Faculty: Science and Engineering
Duration: 10 semesters (5 years)
Site: San Martín de Porres campus
Degree earned: Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry
Why choose us?
Generic Competencies of Graduate
Graduates integrate different types of thinking (scientific, logical, critical, systemic, and innovative) for the solution of complex problems through the mastery of cognitive skills such as logical reasoning in challenging situations. They are prepared to address present and future challenges in the exercise of their profession and to tackle the transformation of the environment as committed citizens
Graduates use verbal and non-verbal language to interact effectively in various inclusive, multicultural, and multilingual contexts. Also, they make conscious use of information and communication technologies. They join collaborative work teams to achieve common goals in multicultural, academic, and professional contexts. Moreover, they assume leadership roles with responsibility and respect for other people’s views.
Graduates act ethically and responsibly in different academic, professional practice, and research contexts. They carry out their work honestly, rigorously, and coherently in terms of their values: tolerance, openness, responsibility, environmental awareness, respect, democratic participation, and a sense of belonging.
Graduates creatively propose innovative solutions to solve a situation or problem; they demonstrate initiative and take action in improving their environments within the framework of values consistent with sustainable development: tolerance, openness, responsibility, environmental awareness, respect, democratic participation, and a sense of belonging.
Graduate Profile
The graduate of the chemistry program at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is a professional with the ability to act with curiosity, initiative, entrepreneurship, self-learning and teamwork skills; with the ability to recognize and analyze problems and to plan strategies for their solution; capable of planning, designing and executing synthesis and research projects; in addition to advising companies within the legal framework in the field of chemistry and with mastery of good laboratory practices.
*Curriculum subject to modifications as part of the curriculum update process.
Work Opportunities
Take your talent to industries in different sectors: petrochemical, mining, food, industrial, pharmaceutical, among others.
Venture into the field of applied research: product chemistry, compound chemistry, environmental chemistry, bioremediation, among others.
Innovate in the field of the creation of new construction materials and cosmetic products.
Develop a venture with your own consulting, advisory or analytical services company.
International Agreements
Latin America
- Universidad Juan Agustín Maza
- Universidad de Morón
- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
- Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
- Universidad Nacional de la Plata
- Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
- Universidad de Sao Paulo
- Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro
- Universidade do Sagrado Coracao
- Universidade do Vale do Paraíba
- Universidade Federal do Acre
- Universidad de Concepción
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad Austral de Chile
- Universidad de Antofagasta
- Universidad de Antioquia
- Universidad del Valle
- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
- Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Universidad de Alcalá
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
- Université Lille 2 Adresse
- Universidad de Montpellier 2
- Universidad de Paris XIII

- Universita’ degli Studi di Messina

- Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

- Korea Research institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
- University of Cheongju

- Mie University

- Chinese Culture University
North America
- The University of Kansas Medical Center
- Stony Brook University Hospital
- Concordia University Wisconsin
- Sam Houston State University
- University of Connecticut
- University of Florida
- University of Texas Medical Branch
- University of Alabama at Birmingham

- Western University
Our testimonials
Gonzalo Villegas
I chose to study chemistry because I find it very interesting how living organisms can synthesize highly complex molecules, so I decided to study at Cayetano because of its specialization in life sciences. I have realized that chemistry has more applications than I thought, reaffirming my decision to study this degree course. My dedication allowed me to access the Faculty of Science Excellence Scholarship* from the second year, for three consecutive years.
Thanks to the academic demands and the experience acquired in the Materials Modeling Laboratory, I was able to access the Research Experience for Peruvian Undergraduates (REPU) program, doing an internship at Michigan State University, working on the synthesis of a natural product. Cayetano has given me what I needed to be at the height and to be able to develop myself in the best way, in this experience.