A maximum of 5 students from each university per academic year may be admitted to the dual degree program, provided they meet the requirements established by each institution.

We continue to strengthen academic bonds! On Monday, August 21, at our Central Campus, Cayetano Heredia and CES University of Colombia signed a double-degree agreement for the professional degree program of Nursing.

On behalf of Cayetano Heredia signed by our academic Vice-rector, Dr. Yesenia Musayón Oblitas, while CES University was represented by its Rector, Mag. Manuel Acevedo Jaramillo. The ceremony was also attended by our highest authority, Dr. Enrique Castañeda Saldaña; the Vice-rector for Research, Dr. Carlos Cáceres Palacios; the Director in charge of the University Directorate of Institutional Relations and Internationalization (Durin), Dr. César Del Castillo López; as well as deans, vice deans and students from CES who are in Lima on a student exchange program.

The agreement not only represents a strategic alliance between two renowned institutions, but also benefits the nursing students of both universities, as they will have the opportunity to expand their educational and cultural horizons by taking part of their training abroad.

This agreement was signed within the framework of the visit of CES authorities to our Central Campus, where they held round tables, visited our medical teaching centers and met with our Rector, Dr. Enrique Castañeda Saldaña, and other Heredian authorities.Cayetano hopes that this alliance will continue for many years to come, always for the benefit of our students and those of CES Colombia.